Cisco and Accenture Ship SAP Operational Intelligence

SAP availability has historically been measured primarily based solely on whether or not the applying is up and operating, generally known as uptime or system availability. Whereas this metric is vital, it doesn’t absolutely seize the consumer expertise or the influence on enterprise outcomes. As companies turn out to be extra reliant on SAP and different enterprise functions, measuring availability solely by way of system uptime will not be enough to grasp the precise influence on end-users and the general enterprise.

To bridge the hole between how IT and the enterprise measure SAP expertise, it’s important to think about extra metrics that target the consumer expertise and enterprise outcomes.

New service degree agreements (SLAs) at the moment are rising to measure SAP by including efficiency benchmarks like expertise degree agreements (XLAs), in addition to community and dialog response occasions. All the brand new efficiency measurements are geared in direction of whether or not the corporate is assembly its deliberate enterprise outcomes by which SAP is serving as the corporate’s key utility inside their digital core.

The mix of conventional uptime metrics and these new efficiency benchmarks permits for a extra holistic evaluation of SAP’s effectiveness and its contribution to the corporate’s success. It additionally encourages IT and enterprise stakeholders to work collaboratively to optimize SAP’s efficiency, thus enhancing the general worth derived from this important utility.

Cisco and Accenture have invested in bringing these new efficiency benchmarks to the forefront by an answer known as SAP Operational Intelligence, which mixes the Cisco Full Stack Observability (FSO) suite—together with AppDynamics and ThousandEyes—together with Accenture’s SAP trade experience and accelerators. What do clients acquire from SAP Operational Intelligence?

  • Observability throughout their SAP (and non-SAP) environments, offering visibility and efficiency insights into the functions and infrastructure operating their organizations’ most mission important enterprise processes.
  • Actual-time diagnostics throughout SAP and non-SAP elements, offering help groups with the insights wanted to resolve points earlier than they influence enterprise processes and finish customers.
  • SAP efficiency aligned with enterprise outcomes, correlating how the SAP utility and transaction efficiency influence every step of their mission-critical enterprise processes by the usage of a weighted enterprise scorecard. Such enterprise end result visibility permits the enterprise, IT, and the community groups a single focus into how utility efficiency is instantly impacting their enterprise metrics and income streams.

Visibility to siloed utility groups

Usually, when SAP utility efficiency points happen, the applying, infrastructure, interface, and networking groups have restricted capability to diagnose the foundation trigger primarily based on the toolset out there to them. Imply time to restore (MTTR) will increase when groups lack the power to instantly collaborate with different groups by a unified platform. Consequently, small incidents turn out to be massive points as a result of siloed groups work independently.

SAP Operational Intelligence supplies a centralized platform, enabling groups to achieve visibility and higher perceive the general well being of the SAP system. Clever dashboards and a single monitoring platform facilitate collaboration and communication between groups, permitting them to work collectively effectively to handle points and resolve them proactively.

With SAP Operational Intelligence serving because the central hub for monitoring and diagnostics, the boundaries created by siloed groups are damaged down. This unified strategy fosters faster incident decision, reduces MTTR, and prevents minor issues from escalating into bigger disruptions.

Visibility to SAP Foundation directors

Begin with the SAP observability command middle

Methods to get began gaining SAP Operational Intelligence? Start by speaking to Cisco and Accenture about placing an SAP observability command middle in place. Three typical use instances usually drive this resolution:

  • SAP Administration: Configure the AppDynamics cognitive engine, gaining analytics and insights to scale back outages, lower MTTR, and eradicate false alerts.
  • Enterprise Observability: Add course of monitoring and key efficiency indicator (KPI) reporting. Use AppDynamics to supply enterprise course of journeys and KPIs supporting a number of personas.
  • Finish Person Expertise Monitoring: Use the Digital Expertise administration capabilities of AppDynamics coupled with ThousandEyes Synthetics and automatic scripting to determine community efficiency challenges and proactively enhance finish consumer expertise.

In fact, these use instances characterize solely the start. The top aim is to attain observability throughout all functions, out there by the Cisco and Accenture partnership.

By embarking on this transformative path and implementing SAP Operational Intelligence, you’ll optimize SAP efficiency, align it with what you are promoting objectives, and pave the best way for profitable digital transformation throughout your group.


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