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Pan-Am Cyclocross Championships 2023: Isabella Holmgren wins elite girls title

Isabella Holmgren (Canada) secured the elite girls’s title on the Pan American Cyclocross Championships on Sunday in Montana. 

The junior cyclocross and mountain bike world champion completed the race 50 seconds forward of Clara Honsinger (USA) and 1:27 forward of Katie Clouse (USA).

Honsinger had gained the day before today’s UCI elite girls’s race, beating Holmgren by about half a minute, however the tables had turned for the championships occasion held in Missoula on Sunday.

Clouse, together with Sidney McGill, had the quickest opening lap instances, adopted by Honsinger and Holmgren. 

Nevertheless, by the sixth and closing lap, Holmgren had elevated her result in practically a minute, forcing Honsinger to accept second and Clouse third.

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